Healing trauma from the roots. Sometimes, trauma can become imprinted in a person’s energy field preventing healing and causing dis-ease in the body. Trapped emotions could even begin ancestrally then passed down to future generations. Releasing these traumas are essential for the healing journey; freeing the past, present, and future generations. Quantum Healers practitioner, Jessica Gilbert, is able to find these stuck traumas and emotions in a person’s energy field, identify them, and free them; even energic blockages stemming from past generations or early childhood! Curious if you have one of these conflicts blocking your healing? Then contact Jessica today for Bioenergic healing session!
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(920) 319-3420At Quantum Healers, we’re here to support you on your healing journey. Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you soon with the guidance you need. Let’s take that first step together toward your transformation.